Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Consolidation Day 1 (from FB 6/15)

Consolidation Day 1 Update: For as stressful as the last two clinic visits were, not making counts, today was smooth. Her counts came back looking great. ANC was 930 and her hemoglobin was up as well! The only hiccup was accessing her port. The one inch needle is now too short, as her port has settled in a little bit (this is normal). So they had to deaccess and reaccess with a 1.5” needle 😳 She handled it like a champ. They drew blood from Adeline to send to Texas Children’s Hospital’s transplant department (if she’s in need of a transplant, she will go here). TCH wants to do her HLA typing in their lab, because they can look at things at a DNA level. They also took blood from Todd and me to check for a possible haplotype (half) match. Her chemo infusion was of a drug recently added to t-cell protocols after evidence of its benefits (nalarabine). She goes everyday this week for nalarabine infusions, then a break on the weekend and back to clinic next Monday for something different. They let her stay accessed so she won’t have to be poked everyday. Todd and I will take turns going to clinic with her this week. She’s feeling good tonight. Thanks for all the good vibes!


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