Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Finding happiness (from FB 6/8)

Today was consolation Day 1, take 2. Except Adeline’s ANC (absolute neutrophil count) is still too low to start chemo. Neutrophils are a type of white blood cell that fight infection. It’s really important for her bone marrow to recover before this next round, because the chemo is really intense. We were disappointed, but we had an amazing conversation with our oncologist. After going over her numbers and our plan moving forward, Dr. Kane looked at Adeline and said, “How are YOU? What has been the hardest thing for you throughout all this?” He then asked the same of me. He acknowledged all the things that have been taken from her, he talked about the unfairness of it all, and he asked about her fears. Then he talked about choosing how we respond to disappointments and struggles in our life, which really is the only thing we can control. It made me think of one of my favorite quotes from Albus Dumbledore. So, we will choose to find happiness during this second unexpected down week, instead of focusing on the fact that Adeline’s body isn’t quite well enough for chemo (what?!) We’ll play games, watch movies, take naps, and enjoy another quiet week with our little family. And then we’ll carry that joy with us as we head into a dark and scary unknown.

"Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light." 

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