Monday, July 12, 2021

Navigating a new normal

Adeline is one cycle (3 months) into maintenance, and it feels like we have one foot in the cancer world and one foot in the “real world.” It’s been harder than I imagined getting back to normal, mostly because our new normal is so different. Chemo everyday, plus continued mindfulness surrounding Covid, makes everyday decisions tougher than they should be. More than once, Adeline has had to take chemo while out. Here she is taking chemo at the USWNT game in Austin. She’s also taken her daily chemo at a drive-in movie and a summer swim party.  

We have tried to make this summer enjoyable and memorable, since last summer was consumed by cancer, covid, and kidney transplants. The kids have been able to go to camp for part of the summer, and Adeline is thriving as a CIT. She still tires easily, but is learning to listen to her body and not push.  

Next Monday starts cycle two of long-term maintenance. Her body has tolerated this mix of chemo meds fairly well, so we’re cautiously optimistic for what the fall holds with school and a more intense schedule. 

She recently hit the halfway point in treatment. A friend asked if it felt good to be half done or overwhelming to think that we still had 14 months to go. And honestly, it feels both. I’m hopeful that the back half will be easier than the front half, but I also know there are no guarantees in the cancer world. For now, we’re enjoying our summer and the fact that she is healthy enough to do the things she wants to do!


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